Saturday 4 October 2014

Tavuk kebab ve Hot chili soslu Turk salatasi


Chicken Kebab and Turkish Salad with Hot Chili Sauce, translated in Turkish language: "Tavuk kebab ve Hot chili soslu Turk salatasi". 

This is a popular breakfast special in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. A Mediterranean island that is surrounded by the coast of Greece to it's north-west, the coast of Turkey to its north, and the coasts of Beirut and Syria to it's east and south-east respectively.

Kebab is considered staple food in TRNC, and is a favourite among the locals, and foreigners as well. It is sold in most restaurants, cafes and resorts for an affordable sum and can be served in many varieties and combinations.

The combination depicted in this picture is an uncomplicated one. The delicacy illustrated is served with green pepper which can either be sliced into the salad, or placed directly into the kebab fold to be nibbled in conjunction with the onions, tomatoes and roast chicken spread across the length of the cylindrical pleat

In addition, this combination is served with Ayram Yoghurt, but it can also be served with a variety of drinks and beverages ranging from Coca-Cola to Fruities. Depending on what a potential buyer would opt for.

The massive cultural significance of this local cuisine to the populace of North Cyprus cannot be understated, as it's one of cheapest and most frequently eaten foods in this area. It can serve as breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner. It can also serve as a quick snack and fast food for the working class multitude and business owners on the island. The various kebab shop owners also reap colossal profits from their various outfits and therefore, contribute to the overall economic growth (GDP) of the nation as well.

From the genesis of this brief review to this point, It has been deliberately omitted that the meal detailed in the picture above is actually my breakfast. Yes, Mine. And all I can say is....."Culture has never tasted better".

Photo credits: @oj_dahaka (Instagram)
